Amrith Noni

arthritis causes and treatment

Understanding Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, Types, Treatment & Prevention

Understand, prevent and treat Arthritis the Ayurveda way! Did you know that there are more than 100 different forms of arthritis, although osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are the most prevalent? In contrast to RA, which primarily affects the immune system and can damage joints as well as muscles, connective tissues, tendons and fibrous tissues, OA is the wear and tear of the cartilage that protects the ends of the bones. It can harm any joint, including the hands, hips, knees and spine. Understanding Arthritis: Arthritis is a leading cause of disability worldwide. It affects people of all ages,...

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Identify Diabetes early and manage safely

Identify Diabetes early and manage safely

Early Warning Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn't Ignore Managing diabetes effectively requires, identifying the signals early. It is crucial for early intervention and management. Recognizing the symptoms early is an effective way to treat and manage any disease. When it comes to Diabetes, here are a few early signs one should watch out for. ALSO READ: Noni Fruit Unique Benefits in Diabetes Care  Although Ayurveda has excellent remedies for Diabetes and to control or regulate blood sugar levels, it is important to learn about the symptoms and manage the disease effectively. Early diabetic symptoms to take note of: Increased Thirst and...

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ayurvedic medicine for gastric problems

Top 10 Ayurvedic herbs to soothe gastric issues naturally

According to a recent research, globally, 50.8% of the population in developing countries suffer from gastritis. Gastritis is a disease which results from an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is characterized by pain, swelling, and irritation of the mucosal membrane of the stomach. Moreover, it manifests itself through symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dull pain, discomfort in the upper abdomen, feeling of fullness, and loss of appetite.  Ayurveda offers various herbs that are believed to help soothe gastric discomfort and promote digestive health naturally. Here are ten commonly used Ayurvedic herbs to treat gastritis. 1.PudinaPeppermint or pudina has antispasmodic...

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9 Best Ayurvedic Herbs that helps in improving immunity system

9 Best Ayurvedic Herbs that helps in improving immunity system

 Boost your immunity with these 9 Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurveda clearly emphasizes on the right diet, yoga, exercise, adequate sleep and consumption of medicinal plants and herbs, in order to improve the immune system in the human body. Also Read : 8 Indian Golden Herbs for Arthritis  Here are the nine medicinal herbs that boost your immune system: Ashwagandha is one of the most important herbs classified as adaptogens in Ayurveda. Adaptogens are the herbs that help the body adapt to stress. It’s not only known as an antidepressant herb but also a powerful immunity and energy booster. Amrita is a heart-shaped...

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